Compendium of Bogidiellid Amphipoda Species

Identification, distribution and ecology of Bogidiellids of World

Contribution to the knowledge of the Amphipoda 126. Critical remarks to the recent revisions of Bogidiella-group of genera with study of some taxa (Fam. Gammaridae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1982
Authors:G. S. Karaman
Journal:Poljoprivreda i Sumarstvo, Titograd
Keywords:Mexico, revision

Critical remarks to the two recent attempts to the revision of Bogidiella-Group of genera (often mentioned also as Family Bogidiellidae) are given and the taxonomic characteristics used for division of different genera and subgenera are discussed. Genus Somagidiella Stock 1981 is removed to the genus Afridiella G. Karaman & J. Barnard 1979 as synonym. The subgenus Eobogidiella G. Karaman 1981 is removed to the generic level. Bogidiella arganoi Ruffo & Vigna-Tagl. 1973 is removed to the subgenus Guagidiella. A new species, Bogidiella (Guagidiella) arganoides, n. sp. from well in Etla, Mexico, is established. Diagnosis of the subgenus Medigidiella Stock 1981 is modified and the key to the genera and subgenera of Bogidiella-Group of genera (=family Bogidiellidae) is composed. Diagnosis of many genera and subgenera of Bogidiella-Group of genera is given. Bogidiella (Bogidiella) semidenticulata Mestrov 1961 is partially redescribed and figured based an material from eastern Serbia, and distribution of this species is studied. New locality of Bogidiella (Bogidiella) albertimagni Hertzog is given.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith